Clarification on Non-Essential Services and Medically Necessary Massage

Chiropractors have the ability to perform massage (under their scope), delegate it (under delegation authority in the Public Health code) and are designated essential health care workers during this pandemic (via Executive Order). Chiropractors can utilize their clinical judgment to determine when a medically necessary massage is needed. Again, chiropractors may perform or delegate medically necessary massages at this time. Be sure to document thoroughly. Finally, all doctors should adhere to all safety and precaution requirements whenever possible.

PLEASE NOTE:  The newest Executive Order does NOT loosen or change restrictions currently on massage in spas, yoga studios, etc., that are not performed or delegated (prescribed, referred) by one of the licensed physician groups (including chiropractors) because there is no medical diagnosis. Simply stated, massage is only allowed if medically necessary.

(You may want to check with your malpractice insurance company for your specific policy details and coverage during this time. Also, some insurance companies may only pay for massage if performed by a DC, but that’s payment policy, not based on legal requirements.)


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